NEW STUDY! Genetic analysis of dogs with acquired myasthenia gravis

Please visit the following link and have your dog participate in this study:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Diary Entry #6 - 01/05/2010 - MG/Megaesophagus Hitting Hard

Sammie's condition has gradually deteriorated. On Sunday she vomitted 9 times. She cannot seem to hold any food down and as a result has lost even more weight. I had her in to Dr. Crumely yesterday, we are pretty sure she does not have pneumonia. We have restricted her exercise to zero.

When I think of the studies that had a 90% remission rate within an average of 6 months, I wonder if those dogs had megaesophagus? I am 90% sure the answer is that none of those dogs did. I work at home and am able to spend the amount of time necessary with Sammie, feeding, burping and elevating. How did 55 dogs survive an average of 6 months when I spend so much time nursing Sammie and appear to be losing her rapidly?

Kids are really down as am I. Unfortunately we are starting to accept the inevitable. My question to myself is, What kind of life is this for Sammie? If anybody wants to chime in on this one, feel free.

My plan moving forward is to find out from Dr. Shelton (UCSD) and Dr. Vernau (UCD) if dogs with MG/megaesophagus have any chance for survival and remission. If they do go into remission, does their esophagus start working again?


  1. Hi,
    My dog Bella was diagnosed with MG,ME and AP last April. She is long past the AP and the ME is not nearly as bad as a lot of dogs that I read about. The MG appeared to go into remission in October. About a week ago, she started having trouble walking again and had to constantly rest. We put her back on a low dosage of Pyrodstigmine, we she has been on for just 2 days now and she is doing much better. Not 100% yet, but definatly better. I am certainly no expert, but for us, she went into remission after 6 months, still has ME, but fairly mild and the MG came back after 2 months. I wish you, your family and Sammie all the best.

  2. Hey,
    I work at home and Sammie is able to spend the required amount of time while feeding, burping and elevating. How to cope with 55 dogs live for 6 months while I spend a lot of time during Sammie and will lose her fast?Not 100% yet, but definatly better. I am certainly no expert, but for us, she went into remission after 6 months, still has ME, but fairly mild and the MG came back after 2 months. I wish you, your family and Sammie all the best.

