NEW STUDY! Genetic analysis of dogs with acquired myasthenia gravis

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Megaesphogus Feeding Technique

UPDATED NOTE: I created this page prior to building the Bailey Chair. The chair is critical in treatment of MG/ME. Everything below still applies, but should be done in the Bailey Chair. See the following link for building the Bailey Chair:

Building a Bailey Chair

If your dog has megaesphogus as a secondary MG indication, then feeding is absolutely critical. Weight loss is a big concern for these dogs, but so is aspirating pneumonia. Therefore each feeding must be planned and executed properly. Here are the steps to a successful feeding:

  • Only wet dog food can be used. I recommend that you use a lite dog food as well. That food is much easier to digest and spends the least amount of time in your dogs stomach. This is important, because when your dog regurgitates, you want as little food in there as possible. Usually the regurgitation will be a clear, thick liquid mixed with some dog food. That is good. The more dog food in the regurgitation, the more opportunity for aspirating pneumonia. We use the Royal Canin Digestive Lowfat LF.

  • Roll the wet dog food into little meatballs.

  •  Feed the dog by hand in an elevated position. This is most important. Gravity will take the place of the faulty esophagus. The more elevated, the quicker the food will make it to your dogs stomach. Because the food is in round meatballs, it should be able to get through the esophagus. The meatballs should be as smooth as possible. Any little pieces that fall off the meatball will probably get stuck in the esophagus and could be aspirated into the lungs when the MG rears its ugly head.

  • When done feeding, the dog must be elevated and "burped". The burping should take place for at least 5 minutes. Imagine a ketchup bottle. When you want the ketchup out, you slap the side and shake the bottle. When you want the food down, you can do the same thing to your dog. This can also be effective for knocking any loose particles down the esophagus. After about 5 minutes of burping, have your dog rest in an elevated position for at least 10 minutes. We just have our dog lay elevated against the arm of the couch while we watch TV or something.

In all the process of feeding your dog will take about 20 minutes. This process should be repeated 3 times daily. Ask your Vet how much food your dog needs, then give your dog 3 equal feedings.


  1. My 9 year old GSD was diagnosed with MG, ME and AP in April 2009. The AP is long gone, she's on meds for the MG and does not seem to have ME as bad as a lot of dogs I read about. I feed her elevated, not verticle. She drinks water with no problems. She eats dry kibble and rarely regurgitates. Is all of this ok, or is her esophagus being damaged because I don't feed her soft food or feed her in a verticle position?

  2. That is amazing and you are very lucky. The MG hits different muscles in different dogs differently. If she can drink water and is reacting well, then I am guessing you are fine. However, a word of caution. Keep a close eye on this. The MG, I have noticed, varies in its intensity. The biggest risk is the AP which leaves scar tissue after every bout. Remember the goal, 4-8 months and remission normally sets in. Best of luck!

  3. My dog has just been recently diagnosed with MG. I was wondering if you have heard of any dogs not having use of their tongue? My dogs tongue does not come out her mouth to pant and she can not use it to lap up water. I have elevated her food and her water. She has to place her whole jaw in the water bucket so that is just naturally flows to the back of her mouth.

  4. Hello, I have a foster puppy that has been diagnosed with ME. We are feeding him wet puppy food about 4 times a day. I am confused as I read to put wet food in a blender to make it smooth, then I read to make meatballs. Wouldn't those be contradictory of each other? I also hold him up for about 20 minutes after each feeding. Thank you for your time.

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  7. My pug dog is only 3 months old with this and I'm struggling badly money wise do u no any homemaid meatballs as I can not afford royal canin all the time
