NEW STUDY! Genetic analysis of dogs with acquired myasthenia gravis

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Diary Entry #9 - 01/07/2010 - Sammie weak but did not vomit last night

Sammie is weak this morning so I am going to take her into see Dr. Crumley. She did not vomit at all last night so that is encouraging. I did give her a small feeding last night. I also gave her a small feeding with 15mg of the Pyridostigmine. When I let her out of her Bailey chair, she just layed with her butt still in the chair. Also when I was feeding her, for the first time she started chewing the meatballs. Not sure why. Almost like she could not swallow easily so felt she had to chew her food. This could be a big risk, as she was swallowing the meatballs whole up until now.

She seemed to be regaining strengthen on the way to the clinic. The good news is that we took a chest x-ray and her lungs are totally clear. Her esophagus has also shrunk somewhat and looks much better. She did vomit for Dr. Crumley and he agrees that this is from the stomach. He is giving her a shot of anti-nausea medication.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I am going to take her into see Dr. Crumley. She did not vomit at all last night so that is encouraging. I did give her a small feeding last night. I also.
    I'm in East Tennon, near Johnson City, where there is a show tonight to serve with toilet coffeas, a sweet almond coffee, bars, restaurants, where people listen to music.When I let her out of her Bailey chair, she just layed with her butt still in the chair. Also when I was feeding her, for the first time she started chewing the meatballs.....

